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About Luke Tian田路加中醫師簡介

Acupuncture and Oriental MedicineDr. Tian received his bachelor degree of Medicine (equivalent to MD in US) in Hunan College of Traditional Chinese medicine, Hunan, China. He has started his TCM practice since 1984 in the affiliated hospital of Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Meteria Medica. In 1990, he received his master degree of TCM oncology in the same Academy. His thesis was about treatment of liver cancer with TCM and his findings were published in Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a top journal in the field of TCM. His findings also led to a development of a novel herbal medicine, named “Gan Fu Le Pian”, for treatment of liver cancer and it was eventual approved by the Minister of Health of the People’s Republic of China. In 1995, he received his Ph.D degree in Cancer Pharmacology in Sun Yat-sen University of Medical Sciences in Guangzhou, China. From 1997 to 2005, he worked as research associate in Howard Hughes Medical Institute in School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania and Lombardi Cancer Center at Georgetown University Medical Center. His research was focused on identifying molecular target of cancer to sensitize cancer cells to conventional radiotherapy and chemotherapy. His works were published in several articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals including Cancer Research, Neoplasia, Oncogene, and International Journal of Oncology. From 2003, he started to practice in Rockville of Maryland as an acupuncturist. Most of his patients are cancer and leukemia patients. In 2006, he was invited as a co-chair of a meeting of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Cancer Research sponsored by Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicine in National Cancer Institute in Bethesda. In 2006, he was elected as the Executive Council Member of Specialty Committee of Oncology of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Society.

田路加博士本科 1984 年畢業於湖南中醫學院醫療系,分配到湖南省中醫藥研究 院附屬醫院作住院醫師,他師承中國著名中西醫結合腫瘤學家潘敏求教授,是潘教授的第一位中醫腫瘤學碩士學位研究生。 他在跟師學習和工作期間,根據中醫 “ 辨治 ” 和 “ 辨病 ” 結合的原則,對各個系統的腫瘤病人,如原發性肝癌、肺癌、胰腺癌、膽囊癌、胃癌、腸癌、乳腺癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌、腦癌、白血病、惡性淋巴瘤、皮膚癌和各 種轉移癌的中醫藥治療進行了系統歸納和總結,積累了豐富的臨床經驗。對腫瘤放化療毒副作用的處理更是有獨到之處。他的學位論文是“肝癌的中醫治療”,其研究成果發表在“中醫雜誌”這本中醫界最權威的雜誌上,以其研究結果為基礎研製成的治療肝癌新藥“肝復樂片”,是中國衛生部批準的第一個治療肝癌的中醫新 藥。田醫生不僅在運用中醫中藥治療惡性腫瘤方面有著扎實的功底,在西醫腫瘤學上也接受過嚴格的訓練。他在廣州中山醫科大學腫瘤防治中心(中國最大的三個腫瘤防止中心之一)獲得西醫腫瘤學博士學位,他的導師是著名的腫瘤學家潘啟超教授,1995年田醫生成為中山醫首批腫瘤學博士,畢業后留在中山醫腫瘤中心任副教授,獲得多項國傢自然科學基金的資助。1997至2005年期間 田博士曾在美國賓夕法尼亞大學醫學院霍華德醫學研究所腫瘤繫和喬治城大學醫學院朗巴迪癌癥研究所接受了博士后研究工作的訓練。他的研究工作發表在Cancer Research, Neoplasia, Oncogene, 和International Journal of Oncology等醫學期刊上。從2003年開始他在馬利蘭州自己的“路加金針百草堂”持中醫針灸執照開業行醫,他的病人多半是癌症和白血病患者,他也接診各種疑難雜症。2006年他曾獲邀作為共同主席參加美國國家癌症研究所替代醫學辦公室主辦的中醫學與癌症研究會議。同年,他當選世界中醫藥學聯和會腫瘤專業委員會常務理事。

By Appointment Only
Monday through Saturday
8:30am to 5:30pm
Wednesday evening hours available  

Luke Tian, L.Ac., CMD
Master in TCM Oncology
Ph.D in Cancer Pharmacology 
田路加  中醫師
966 Hungerford Drive, 
Suite 10A, 
Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: (301)309-8889
Fax: (301)309-8883